Saturday, February 7, 2015

Liberal ideas don’t kill, extremism does - a rebuttal

Zaid Ibrahim argues that liberal ideas do not kill but puts the blame on religion for the insecurity and wars. He did not read the history of the birth of Western liberal thought, which arose after the bloody conflict with the church authority, which led to the separation of the church from the state. He also does not acknowledge that it was the liberal west who invaded other resource rich countries and plunder their resources, who enforced their will on others and in turn enslaving others, such occurred during the colonial period, and still continues until today, the invasion of Iraq in 2003 (over a million killed), and before, the usurping of North America, Spanish Inquisition of South America, Australia, Africa and Asia by the other European colonialist with the genocide of millions of indigenous population, and the kidnapping of millions of African slaves, many were unfortunate to die in the long perilous journey and had their bodies dumped into the Atlantic ocean. Also, the worst wars which cost the lives of 70 million such as in World War I and II, were not fought over religion, or religion did not have a basis for those wars. While it is acknowledged that there were wars over religion, such as the Crusades in the Middle Ages, and Al-Qaeda in the 20th century, but the fact the history worst dictators such as Mao of China, Stalin of Russia, who were responsible for 70 and 9 millions of deaths in China and Russia in the 20th century, did not have any religious affiliation, both were atheists. In the US, everyone have the liberty to own guns, and more than 40,000 people die from gun inflicted wounds every year in the US alone. The prison population per capita in the US is the highest in the world, and in many parts in the US, it is unsafe to go out at night without the fear of being mugged, robbed or raped, all this in the so called liberated country.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Di antara peribumi dan pendatang

Di dalam suatu persidangan itu telah diadakan di Pusat Konvensyen Setia City di Setia Alam dan dirasmikan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak pada 19 Oktober, 2014, seorang perwakilan parti Gerakan dari Johor, Tan Lai Soon berkata bukan sahaja orang Cina dan India sahaja pendatang, tetapi orang Melayu juga adalah pendatang kerana mereka berhijrah dari Indonesia, dan yang merupakan penduduk asal Malaysia adalah penduduk asal Sabah dan Sarawak dan orang Asli di Malaysia [portal web Malaysian Insider, 24 Oktober 2014]. Kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh wakil parti Gerakan tersebut merupakan tindakbalas terhadap kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Presiden ISMA sebelum ini, iaitu kaum Cina dan India adalah merupakan pendatang ke tanah Melayu, dan berikutan dengan kedua-dua kenyataan tersebut, berpuluh-puluh lapuran telah diadukan kepada pihak polis dengan alasan ianya merupakan kenyataan yang menghasut dan mesti disiasat di bawah akta hasutan dan sedang menunggu perbicaraan [portal web ISMA,, 13 Oktober 2014].

Setengah-setengah golongan memberikan takrifan terhadap istilah pendatang. Pendatang bolehlah dianggap sebagai orang-orang yang merantau, mengembara, berpindah dan juga pelarian ke suatu tempat lain daripada tempat asalnya, lalu hidup di situ sebagai rakyat biasa. Ataupun dalam istilah bahasa Arab, adalah orang-orang yang bermusafir sehingga singgah ke suatu tempat untuk bermukim. Sumber daripada Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (portal web Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia) menyatakan salah satu kategori pendatang sebagai orang-orang yang bukan merupakan warganegara Malaysia yang tidak memiliki dokumen perjalanan yang sah yang masuk dan tinggal di dalam negara ini. Tetapi ini merupakan definisi pendatang di negara ini selepas tahun 1957. 

Masalah yang muncul adalah penduduk setempat merasakan tempat itu miliknya dan tidak boleh jadi milik orang pendatang. Masalah ini muncul disebabkan oleh assabiyyah (nasionalisma, fanatik kepada bangsa atau kaum) dan wataniyyah (fanatik kepada kenegaraan) yang ada pada manusia. Hukum Islam berkenaan dengan bermusafir sebagai pendatang (migrant) dan bila ianya bermukim di situ akan dianggap sebagai penduduk setempat dan bukan lagi pendatang. Kalau seseorang bermusafir sekalipun dia haruslah dilayan sebagai musafir, bukan sebagai rakyat kelas bawahan yang disisih oleh masyarakat.

Rasulullah (SAW) dan para sahabatnya yang berhijrah dari Makkah ke Madinah sebagai muhajiriin yang kemudiannya menetap di Madinah, tepat 1436 tahun dahulu. Dan penghijrahan Rasulullah (SAW) ke Madinah telah diterima oleh penduduk asal Madinah yang digelar Ansar, yang memberikan ba’ya kepada Rasulullah (SAW) untuk mendirkan Daulah Islamiyyah pertama. Maka kalau diikut istilah zaman jahiliyyah moden ini, golongan Muhajiriin dikenali sebagai pendatang dan Ansar pula dikatakan sebagai bumiputra atau peribumi. Juga sebelum hijrah Rasulullah (SAW) ke Madinah, terdapat beberapa kabilah kaum Yahudi yang telah menduduki Madinah lama sebelum hijrah Rasulullah (SAW) seperti Bani Quraidhah, Qainuqa’, dan Nadhir, dan apabila Daulah Islam yang pertama didirikan di Madinah pda 623 Masehi, kaum Yahudi tersebut tidak dikenali sebagai penduduk peribumi (atau bumiputra) Madinah, tetapi dikenali sebagai kafir dhimmi apabila mereka bersetuju hidup di bawah hukum Islam dan membayar jizyah. Juga apabila umat Islam dan kaum Yahudi diperintah keluar (melalui Alhambra decree atau undang-undang Alhambra) daripada wilayah Andalusia (semenanjung Iberia, terdiri dari Sepanyol dan Portugal) melalui perisitiwa Reconquista (reconquest, atau penjajahan semula) yang tamat pada 1492, umat Islam dan kaum Yahudi telah berhijrah ke Daulah Islamiyyah Uthmaniyyah semasa Beyazid II (1481–1512) menjadi Khalifah, disekitar Istanbul di Turki sekarang ini, dan umat Islam dari Andalusia tidak diberikan gelaran pendatang tetapi sebagai umat Islam, manakala kaum Yahudi juga tidak diberikan gelaran pendatang, tetapi masih sebagai kafir dhimmi yang membayar jizyah dan hidup diadili dengan hukum Islam.

Di dalam Daulah Islamiyyah, hanya ada umat Islam dan kafir dhimmi, yang membayar jizyah dan bersetuju untuk diadili dengan hukum Islam. Tidak ada perbezaan di antara orang Islam yang berlainan bangsa, misalnya seseorang muslim dari China walaupun tidak boleh berbahasa Arab, sekiranya dia berhijrah ke tanah Palestin, maka beliau ada hak yang sama dengan dengan penduduk muslim tempatan di Palestin, dan tidak dianggap sebagai pendatang. Wilayah Palestin juga bukan milik orang Arab, dan wilayah Nusantara bukan milik Melayu, tetapi adalah milik umat Islam keseluruhannya. Di dalam Daulah Islam, tidak ada istilah penduduk peribumi (bumiputra) dan kaum pendatang, yang hanya ada adalah umat Islam dan kafir dhimmi.Pembahagian yang inilah yang menyebabkan Salahuddin Ayyubi, yang berbangsa Kurdish melancarkan perang keatas penjajah tentera salib yang menduduki Baitul Muqaddis untuk merebut semula tanah umat Islam yang terjajah, sebab ianya merupakan tanah umat Islam dan juga sebagai tanah suci, dan bukan menuntut sebuah negara Kurdish didirikan atas dasar nasionalisma Kurdish, sebagaimana wujud pada zaman sekarang ini.

Pembahagian wilayah yang berdasarkan kepada kepunyaan sesuatu bangsa atau kaum adalah amalan jahiliyyah yang telah dihapuskan oleh kedatangan Islam. Tetapi malangnya, sebelum kejatuhan Daulah Islam Uthmaniyyah pada tahun 1924 Masehi, semangat assabiyyah telah ditiupkan semula oleh penjajah kolonialis yang bertujuan untuk memecah-belahkan umat Islam sebelum meruntuhkan Daulah Islam Uthmaniyyah. Akibatnya orang-orang Arab di wilayah Arab telah memberontak melawan dan memisahkan diri daripada Daulah Islam Uthmaniyyah dan menubuhkan negara-negara Arab kecil dan lemah seperti yang wujud sehingga ke hari ini di atas dasar nasionalism Arab. Malah lebih buruk dari itu, negara-negara Arab di rantau Teluk Parsi dipecahkan atas dasar kekeluargaan seperti keturunan Bani Hashim (negara Jordan, Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan), keturunan Ibnu Saud (Saudi Arabia) selepas runtuhnya Daulah Islamiyyah Uthmaniyyah. Dan juga sebuah negara Turki telah didirikan daripada runtuhan Daulah Uthmaniyyah yang didasarkan kepada assabiyyah bangsa Turk (Turkish nationalism). Juga masalah yang sama terjadi apabila suatu negara Pakistan didirikan selepas tahun 1947 daripada benua kecil India. Selepas tahun 1947, Pakistan terdiri daripada terdapat dua wilayah yang digelar Pakistan Barat dan Pakistan Timur. Penduduk di wilayah Barat kebanyakannya bertutur di dalam bahasa Urdhu sementara di wilayah Timur di dalam bahasa Bengal, dan semangat nasionalism menjadi sangat kuat apabila pada tahun 1971, dengan bantuan India, wilayah Timur memisahkan diri mereka daripada wilayah Barat, dan mendirikan negara Bangladesh, (The roots of nationalism in the muslim world – Shabir Ahmed, 1996, ISBN 1 899534 10 5).

Beberapa kenyataan daripada golongan tertentu yang menyatakan bahawa bumi Malaysia, dan wilayah Nusantara (Malay archipelago) adalah alam Melayu, tetapi sekiranya seorang penduduk berbangsa dan berbahasa Melayu daripada Sumatera atau Jawa, apabila berhijrah ke Malaysia (Tanah Melayu) kenapa masih dianggap sebagai pendatang tanpa izin! Meskipun mempunyai akidah yang sama, umat Islam daripada berlainan negara yang berhijrah ke negara diberikan layanan yang berlainan dengan penduduk setempat. Malah orang kafir yang menjadi warga negara ini mendapat layan yang begitu baik jika dibandingkan dengan layanan yang diberikan kepada pelarian umat Islam Rohingya daripada Myanmar ataupun Uighur daripada Turkestan Timur (Xinjiang) dari China, dan juga pekerja-pekerja kontrak dari Sumatera dan Jawa. Berpuluh puluh ribu pelarian kaum Rohingya masih hidup di kem-kem tahanan dan diberikan dokumen pelarian oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu (UN) sebagai dokumen pengenalan di negara ini dan di Bangladesh, walaupun mereka adalah umat Islam yang melarikan diri daripada kezaliman penguasa Buddha di Myanmar. Ini jauh berbeza sekali dengan layanan Khalifah Daulah Uthmaniyyah (Bayezid II) yang memberikan perlindungan kepada pelarian umat Islam dan Yahudi yang melarikan diri daripada kekejaman Kristian Katholik di Andalusia semasa peristiwa Reconquista pada kurun ke-15 Masehi.

Celaan kepada assabiyyah
Masalah ini berlaku apabila umat Islam di negara ini dan juga di negara lain mula menilai seseorang itu menurut asal-usulnya dan tempat kelahirannya, dan bukan dari segi akidahnya, iaitu sama ada seseorang itu muslim atau kafir. Sebenarnya masalah ini telah lama diselesaikan oleh kedatangan Rasulullah (SAW) yang memberikan celaan kepada assabiyyah, atau fanatik kepada bangsa dan kaum. Tetapi malangnya pada zaman moden ini, umat Islam yang mengaku Islam tetapi sebenarnya telah kembali kepada zaman jahiliyyah sebelum kedatangan Islam, dan jauh sekali berpegang kepada ajaran Rasulullah (SAW).

Perkataan ashabiyyah adalah perkataan Arab yang bermaksud kerabat dari arah bapa. Demikian adalah disebabkan orang-orang Arab biasanya menasabkan diri mereka di sebelah keturunan bapa mereka [Imam Ibnu Mandzur, Lisaan al-‘Arab, juz 1/602].

Kaab bin Syadh r.a berkata, “Ya Rasulullah, apakah seorang yang mencintai kaumnya (bangsanya) itu termasuk assabiyyah?” Rasulullah (SAW) menjawab: “Tidak, assabiyyah itu bilamana seorang mendukung dan memihak kepada kaumnya atas sesuatu kezaliman.” (Hadith riwayat Ahmad)

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman! Jadilah kamu penegak keadilan sebagai saksi kerana Allah sekalipun terhadap diri-dirimu sendiri, atau terhadap kedua orang tua dan kerabatmu." [TMQ, an-Nisa': 135].

"Dan jangan sampai kerana kebencianmu terhadap suatu kaum menyebabkan kamu tidak berlaku adil." [TMQ, al-Maidah: 8].

"Kamu tidak dapati kaum yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir itu menaruh cinta kepada orang yang ingkar kepada Allah dan Rasulnya sekalipun mereka yang ingkar itu ayah-ayah mereka atau anak-anak mereka atau saudara-saudara mereka atau keluarga mereka." [TMQ, al-Mujadalah: 22].

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu jadikan ayah-ayah kamu dan saudara-saudara kamu sebagai kekasih (ketua), jika mereka itu lebih suka kufur daripada beriman." [TMQ, at-Taubah: 23].

Maka menolong atau membela kelompok atau kaumnya dalam kebathilan (assabiyyah) termasuk perbuatan haram.  Asabiyyah juga sama ertinya dengan sifat pilih kasih dan berat sebelah dalam sesuatu perkara, memberikan hak kepada orang yang tidak berhak, iaitu memihak kepada perkauman, kenegerian, kebangsaan dan kekeluargaan. Imam Abu Dawud menuturkan sebuah hadits dari Jubair bin Muth’im ra bahwasanya Nabi saw bersabda:

“Tidaklah termasuk golongan kami, siapa saja yang menyeru kepada ‘assabiyyah, dan bukanlah termasuk golongan kami, siapa saja yang berperang di atas ‘assabiyyah, dan bukan termasuk golongan kami, siapa saja yang mati di atas ‘assabiyyah”. [HR. Imam Abu Dawud].

Imam Muslim menuturkan sebuah hadis riwayat dari Abu Hurairah ra, bahwasanya Rasulullah (SAW) bersabda: Barangsiapa keluar dari ketaatan dan memecah belah Jama’ah, lalu ia mati, maka matinya (seperti) mati jahiliyyah.  Dan barangsiapa berperang di bawah panji ‘assabiyyah, marah karena ‘assabiyyah, atau menyeru kepada ‘assabiyyah, atau menolong kerabat (dalam kezaliman), kemudia ia terbunuh, maka matinya adalah mati jahiliyyah.  Dan siapa saja memerangi umatku, membunuh orang yang baik maupun orang yang buruk dari umatku, dan tidak memperhatikan orang-orang mukminnya, tidak pula memperhatikan orang yang membuat perjanjian, maka ia bukan termasuk golonganku, dan aku bukan termasuk golongannya”. [HR. Imam Muslim]

Maka daripada hadits-hadits di atas, jelaslah bahawa perjuangan assabiyyah adalah perbuatan yang haram.  Sebabnya larangan assabiyyah disertai dengan celaan dan ancaman dari Rasulullah (SAW), iaitu mati dalam keadaan jahiliyyah dan bukan termasuk golongan Rasulullah (SAW).   Ini merupakan indikasi (qarinah) yang menunjukkan bahawa larangan meninggalkan assabiyyah adalah larangan yang bersifat pasti (haram). Diantara perbuatan yang termasuk dalam tindakan assabiyyah adalah membela bangsa dan negara, hanya karena alasan kebangsaan, tanpa memandang apakah bangsanya benar atau tidak, dan juga membela keluarga dan kerabat walaupun mereka melakukan kezaliman dan kerosakan. Maka perjuangan nasionalism Arab, nasionalism Turk dan nasionalism Melayu (ketuanan Melayu) adalah perjuangan yang bathil dan haram.

Kita mengkui bahawa di dalam negara ini, golongan kafir semakin hari makin lama mencabar kesabaran dan cara hidup umat Islam dengan mencemarkan kesucian Islam. Ini bukanlah suatu yang menghairankan kerana negara yang ditadbirkan oleh hukum jahiliyyah ciptaan manusia (sekularism) yang terbit daripada amalan demokrasi sememangnya tidak akan menjadi pembela untuk umat Islam. Walau bagaimanapun menggunakan sistem warisan penjajah Inggeris (suruhanjaya Lord Reid) dan assabiyyah untuk membela Islam bukanlah caranya. Caranya adalah kembali kepada Ahkam Syariah dengan menegakkan semula Daulah Islamiyyah yang menjadi penaung dan pembela untuk umat Islam keseluruhannya.

Wallahu a’lam bish shawab.

Ya Allah, saksikan bahawa kami telah menyampaikan.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Obama: Malaysia won't succeed if minorities are oppressed.

President Obama has no credibility to lecture about human rights in Malaysia.

President Jimmy Carter’s interview:
The 39th President of US, Jimmy Carter told in an interview in HardBall in MSNBC, and mentioned that the persecution of Arabs by the Israel is the worst human right abuses he knows. Mr. Obama, you should follow the example of President Jimmy Carter.

So Mr. Obama, before you come and preach Human Rights issues here, tell Israel to abolish all apartheid policies against Arabs, and tell it in front of the:
1). the pro-Israeli lobby in the US, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) which you promised unshakeable commitment of support during your presidential campaign.
2). all cabinet ministers in the Israeli parliament.
3). the US congress

If you cannot do it, then don’t come here and preach Human Rights issues. I have more respect for President Carter than you, Mr. Obama.

I acknowledge that an individual is subjected to some disparities with regards to which political party he belongs (whether govt or opposition), and which ethnic group. But things over here are way much better than what Israel has been doing to the Palestinans. He (Obama) is a strong supporter of Israeli apartheid policies against Palestinan Arabs, but comes here and speaks about equality and human rights for all. It is better for Obama with the title of “the most powerful man in the world” to urge his strongest and closest ally Israel to stop all apartheid policies and discrimination against Palestinan Arabs before speaking about equality and human rights over here. Obama, by behaving the way he did, is simply a hypocrite.

HR violations of the US under Obama admistration, report from Press TV:
Steve Lendman, an American author and activist, says the United States has violated human rights more than any other country in the history of the world. Lendman made the remarks in an interview with Press TV as US President Barack Obama, during his trip to Malaysia, urged the country to work more on the issue of Human rights.

“There’s a recognition by the Malaysian government that more work needs to be done,” Obama said referring to the issue of human rights in Malaysia in a joint news conference with the Malaysian Prime Minister.

“No nation in world history has abused human rights more than America. No President more than Obama is more lawless,” Lendman said. “No President is a war criminal more multiple times over than Obama. No nation attacks the rights of Muslims more than America,” he added.

Lendman also accused Obama and his administration of launching wars on Islam in several countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Lendman who is also a columnist and radio host said that Obama’s four-country tour in Asia is aimed at aligning US allies in the region against China.

“Obama’s agenda is the same as previous presidents but more so unchallenged US dominance how?

Anyway possible: aligning nations by bulling them by pressuring them, by threatening them and by eliminating independent nations and by substituting them pro-western subservient vassal states."

And African-American still suffer racism in America, despite Obama becoming the President.
Report from Press TV:
Blacks doing worse in US job market
African-Americans are twice as likely as whites to be unemployed in the United States, the National Urban League says in its latest State of Black America report.
According to the annual report, called “One Nation Underemployed: Jobs Rebuild America,” the unemployment rate for blacks was 12 percent in February, compared to 5.8 percent for whites.
For African-American workers, the underemployment rate was 20.5 percent, the report said, compared to 18.4 percent for Hispanic workers and 11.8 percent for white workers.
"Many Americans are being left behind and that includes African-Americans and Latinos who are being disproportionately left behind by the job creation that we see," National Urban League President Marc Morial said.
This year's equality index for African-Americans stands at 71.2 percent, compared to last year's index of 71.0 percent, the National Urban League said. The economic portion of the index dropped to 55.5 percent from 56.3 percent.
When it comes to income equality and unemployment equality, the report ranked large American cities from most equal to least equal.
The most income equal city for blacks was Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, Calif., where the median black household income was $44,572, while the median white household brought in $57,252, the report said.
The US labor market has faced serious problems in recent years, a study found last month. The findings by Alan Krueger, a former White House economist and two of his colleagues at Princeton University, shows only 11 percent of long-term unemployed people in the US will ever regain steady full-time employment.
Long-term unemployment, defined as joblessness extending longer than six months, has been one of the defining features of the 2007-09 US recession.

Racial disparities in education is deep-rooted in the US
Report from Press TV:
Eric Draitser, a syndicated columnist from the New York City has joined Press TV’s Top 5 program to discuss the racial disparities in the US public education system.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Mr. Draitser you just heard our correspondent’s report on this disparity between races when it comes to education. How much of it do you think results from an institutionalization of racism rather than mismanagement?
Draitser: Well, it is a combination of many factors. I think that any complex social problem really needs to be evaluated from multiple perspectives.
Of course the disparities between the races in regards to education have deep roots not only in the way in which the education is funded but also in the so-called education reform movement.
It is interesting to note, as your reporter there noted that the report does not give any specific explanations as to why such disparities exist but as a former educator and as somebody who has engaged with these issues I will tell you that one of the principle factors that is contributing to this ever-growing gap between white and minority students is the privatization of public education.
That is to say taking public education and capitalizing on it through a variety of means whether that is the so-called standardized testing model and the common core state standards, whether it is the Charter School Movement which is bankrolled by Wall Street and powerful financial establishments, whether it is the so-called Alternative Certification Movement that is Teach for America and the Teaching Fellows Programs and Math for America and all of these other programs that are designed to bring in inexperienced young, primarily white, teachers into the inner cities into the low-income minority neighborhoods and that creates some of the statistics that the report cites, such as schools that have teachers with less experience working with the most challenged students in the most challenging areas and of course all of these factors are ignored by the department of education, precisely because the Obama administration, just like the Bush administration before it, has been a principle champion of Charter Schools and privatization, one of the main contributing factors to this economic disparity and what I would argue is a re-segregation of public education.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ambiga is all wrong about local varsities

Ambiga got it all wrong. University College London (UCL), the third oldest university and the third best in UK, after Oxford and Cambridge has banned two muslim speakers, Hamza Tzortzis and Abdul Raheem Green, because of their views on gender segregation and homosexuality.

Far right groups in the UK, the English Defense League (EDL) and the British National Party (BNP) are also banned in UK universities. So to be world class, can local universities also invite far-right groups such as Perkasa to their own compounds? Would Ambiga agree that far-right groups like Perkasa allowed to speak in local universities?

What the local universities should do is to invite collaborations with top universities, and invite Nobel Laureates for collaborations and joint research supervisions, to nurture the brightest future Nobel Laureates. Simply inviting people like Ambiga to talk in local universities will not turn them into world class institutes.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Start behaving like world class universities, Ambiga tells local universities

Ambiga got it all wrong. University College London (UCL), the third oldest university and the third best in UK, after Oxford and Cambridge has banned two muslim speakers, Hamza Tzortzis and Abdul Raheem Green, because of their views on gender segregation and homosexuality.

Far right groups in the UK, the English Defense League (EDL) and the British National Party (BNP) are also banned in UK universities. So to be world class, can local universities also invite far-right groups such as Perkasa to their own compounds? Would Ambiga agree that far-right groups like Perkasa allowed to speak in local universities?

What the local universities should do is to invite collaborations with top universities, and invite Nobel Laureates for collaborations and joint research supervisions, to nurture the brightest future Nobel Laureates. Simply inviting people like Ambiga to talk in local universities will not turn them into world class institutes.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The non-muslims disrespectful remarks against Islamic rituals in Malaysia.

Malaysia is regarded as the land of Islam, by definition, the land whose ownership belongs to muslims (Al-Alardu man aslama alaiha Ahluha), the definition which was the topic of discussion of experts of Islamic political science from those of the four Mazhabs. In discussion pertaining to zakat issues, the scholars must include the status of these lands in zakat payments. Whereby, the scholars have classified these lands as Usyuriyyah lands, for the payments of zakat. Hizbut Tahrir in the book Economic Systems of Islam, Muqadimmah Dustur and Al-Amwal fi Daulatil Khilafah in the chapter of lands, has classified these lands as Usyuriyyah lands. These laws existed 1400 years ago even before the ‘FMS Land Code 1926’ was introduced in Malaysia, and even before Robert Torrens was born to introduce the ruling of land ownership in Australia which was adopted in Malaysia. These lands which Islam was the source of ruling was clearly seen in Malacca Naval laws which adopted many rulings from a scholar such as Imam Nawawi ra. According to al-Bajurimi, a scholar (an expert in Islamic political science) when the land is Islamic land, the status remain unchanged even until the Doomsday. The scholars of Syafie mazhab points out that the land is Islamic (Darul Islam), and the status of that land is unchanged even if it was controlled and occupied by the unbelievers. الإسلام يعلو ولا يعلى عليه (Hadis reported from Daruqutni, classified as Hassan (good) by Imam Nasaruddin Albani, Sahih Jami Shagir #2778). They showed that the status of these lands is unchanged even if it was controlled by the unbelievers. The status of the lands will be unchanged even until the end of Doomsday, from their opinion of the unchanging status of that land. The control and occupation of the unbelievers of that land does not change the status of the land, is because Islam is the highest and nothing is higher. But we must understand the main points presented here, that we have made attempts for a clear analogy. It is for the benefit of readers to understand it clearer. For example, Makkah is a sacred land to the Almighty Creator, but the presence of more than 360 idols has smeared the sacredness of that land, but the sacred title of that land has unchanged, and the idolatory rituals must be stopped. Lately, the muslim in Malaysia has been awaken by some disrespectful remarks and actions from non-muslim pertaining to the status of Islam in this country. 1) Rejection of the Hudud laws 2) Rejection of the establishment of Islamic State and continuation of a secular state in Malaysia 3) Repudiate the forbidden usage of the word for God, “Allah” in the Bible 4) Challenging the qurbani (slaughtering) rituals in school compounds by the school authorities. Their actions have all exceeded of what is being called as the constitutional laws of the country, whereby non-muslims are forbidden to interfere with the ritual practises pertaining to Islam. For example, Hudud laws which was proposed for implementation by the Islamic party, to include only punishment against muslim criminal offenders, not only was rejected, but also given comments by these disrespectful non-muslims, who were more harsh than the secular muslims. Whereas the laws was due to be implemented against muslim criminal offenders only. The series of disrespectful remarks and actions from these non-muslims, the Islamic party and movements who were afraid of losing votes had compromised, did not take those harsh remarks seriously. And this is what happened in Malaysia, when a Hindu politician opposed to the slaughtering of cows in the school compound, and proposed that pigs should be allowed to be slaughtered also in schools. They forgot that the eating of pig meat is not forbidden in Chinese vernacular schools, and other religious rituals in Chinese vernacular schools and Hindu rituals are not forbidden by the muslims in Malaysia. But these Islamic religious activities are now being questioned and opposed, when they themselves forgot that Malaysia is long being an Islamic land, and the Hindu possession along Jalan Sentul during Thaipusam celebrations are not being opposed by muslims living nearby the area, and also during the Cap Goh Meng celebration of the Chinese community to deflect evil spirits with fire-crackers along Jalan 3/48A in the vicinity of Menara Orkid building, where the majority of the occupants are muslims. There are no news of protest from the muslims regarding these celebrations of the non-muslims in the news or in the youtube. The tolerant attitude shown by the muslims even exceeding the limits of Islam itself. But the non-muslims has exceeded their limits and showing their hidden nature. It has already come to the stage that the muslims in Malaysia and the whole world must be awaken to this fact, that the non-muslims are not respectful towards muslims, but still expect the muslims to respect them in return. The muslims must be united, and the legitimate ruler of the muslims must enact the laws of kafir dhimmi to these people. They will be judged accordingly and punished, and the contract status of dhimmi will be terminated immediately and rejected from being the citizens of the Islamic State (Daulah Islam). The Islamic State (Daulah Islam) must implement the laws of Islam and the laws will bring justice to the rituals and the laws of muamalat (transactions) of Islam. From that…if they feel that they can practice their own rituals in their any country which practices laws of unbelief (Darul Kufur), then they can migrate to those countries. There they can find a place to practice their own rituals and not to interfere on the rituals of muslims here, even in the place where we teach our muslim children in national schools. The muslims here are not slaughtering sacred cows in front of Hindu temples. لَکُمۡ دِیۡنُکُمۡ وَلِیَ دِیۡنِ

Team Analisis Syabab Ipoh